Friday, November 20, 2009

On school

I am in college full time and working full time. Since a monkey could do my job, my work has not suffered from me not getting enough sleep. Instead of people asking how it's going, they start asking when I am GOING TO BAIL OUT OF THE JOB...

Wow, good morning, and yes, I am getting straight A's, thanks for asking. Assholes

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We don't want you to do anything unethical

Famous last words. This company, who routinely lies to clients, send out crap releases of software, and treats employees like poo tells us not to pull any sly moves. I love people. Really I do.

Apparently no one in the history of this company has ever really looked at the Client Services dept to see if we are making a profit or not (Are you EFFING kidding me?!?!). Turns out we are a black hole of money. Go figure. So, the new goal is to have each rep increase their daily billable time by 10 minutes. Seems totally simple, right? It would be, except we cannot make the phone ring and we already get our time tracked. So tell me, Sherlock, where are those ten minutes going to come from??

All I hear is that you think we are giving ten minutes of time away to clients…which does not make sense since we all want to get more billable time so that management gets off our backs. So, aside from adding a few minutes to each call, whether I worked them or not…where the eff are those supposed to come from???

Monday, July 13, 2009 you think it's Microsoft, not us?? REALLY?!

So, now our developers are blaming Internet Explorer 7 for their software issues. We use an open source base code that we then build upon. Well apparently the tabs in IE7cause an issue with the software. So our developers cannot fix it why?? Oh, b/c there is nothing they can do. So they tell us lowly peons in client Support that we need to tell clients to stay on IE6. Yeah…that will go over like a box of rocks.

Dear Internet, if I make it out of this mosh pit I promise to make the next post BRILLIANT.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Why the hell do I keep taking this shit?

I work in the convenience store industry. Granted, I am in a call center for software support, so I am not actually in a c-store. However, I still get to deal with the kind of people that c-store's attract. Trust me, even in the office it's not much better.

I have been actively, desperately looking for a job for about three months. Had a couple of interviews, nothing major. Well I got an offer last night to go to another call center. Less pay, commute. Choice seems simple, right? Suck it up and keep going to you current job.

Yeah well, it's not that fracking simple. Not at all. My desk has slowly been emptied out by myself in the hopes that when that day comes, I only have to haul two things out of here; my coffee maker and cup. Well guess what? My a-hole of a boss has not SAID.ONE.WORD. Either he seriously has not noticed, or he just does not care. Both of which make me feel SO FANTASTIC. I mean, the love is bubbling over out of my heart. heh.

Which, why would I expect anyhting less? He is a priest (whatever), yet lies and hides everything. The man has a silver tongue for sure. and, really, a priest working in a call center as the manager? yeahh....ooookkkkk

Anyway, so I am not going to take the job for the simple fact that I cannot take the pay cut. It blows, but at least it will give you, dear reader, fodder for the blogoshere.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This company injected me with a toxin when I was hired, I am positive. I have not been able to pin point the moment it happened, but I have a feeling it was between signing up for the bad health insurance and the equally shitty 401k. I thought the prick on the back of my neck was the slutty HR rep’s icy stare, but now I know different.

The toxin lay dormant for a few months while the honeymoon stages of the new job kept me going. Then, oh my, did it ever hit. I get a sick feeling in my stomach in the morning when I know I have to come into work. I had to go on anti-depressants because the environment here is so poisonious and dark. Every time the boss overlooked me, ignored me, yelled, bitched, blah blah the toxin got a little stronger.

Get a new job, everyone chants. Yeah, well I was trying to hang onto this one for at least two years since it was my first job after moving to this new state. After that, I started looking. That was when the economy was first beginning to tank. And now…good luck to me I guess. I have applied to more jobs than I can count and not one call back.

Is it me? Do I suck that bad? I have always done really well in other jobs. It is just this one that has put me into this pit of despair that I fear I cannot climb out of. I would take anything right now- I would even go back to retail clothing (god save my soul). Hell, I considered waiting tables at one point last week, to which my boyfriend replied with getting me tea and a sleeping pill and telling me I must be sleep deprived to even think such things.

Until I get this toxin out I fear I will be stuck. So I need to put a cork in my co-workers complaining to me, I need to think good thoughts (I will get out of here), and then I need to focus on getting back into school to get that RN.

I need more coffee.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Good morn dear Internet,

I had a post all ready to go this morning about this great drama at my work that happened yesterday…it is priceless. I will post it later. This morning, as I was walking doen the wooded path to work with the birds singing and orchestra music playing while the sun was shining…

Who am I kidding- I was stuck in traffic listening to talk radio and cursing myself for taking the highway this morning. Anywho…today I will regale you with this little gem that happened just a little while ago

I get to work and my good friend BITTER (he hates his job, his daughters, his singleness, and his God right now) has an uncharacteristic smile on his face. Odd, I thought as I sunk into my chair to turn my computer on.

My Windows session had just started when he comes SKIPPING (seriously) to my desk and says “I have a surprise for you, and I think you are going to be blown away!”
Well well! I thought to myself, how thoughtful, he got me a gift. I mean, we have known each other for three years, working together day in, day out, and he finally gets me something? So nice!! Maybe he was getting over his bitter cycle.

As I was soon to find out, the only reason he was happy was due to my utter shame and thoughts of me blushing from head to toe while being completely stripped of all pride.

Back to me being temporairily happy…

“Oh yeah?! What did you get me?!” I said hopefully, never thinking for a second that he would take joy in my shame

“Well…let me show you, here, scoot over a sec…” he says as he nudges me over, takes my mouse and opens up my Internet Explorer. At this point I am thinking that he ordered something that did not come in yet, so he could only show me a picture. Maybe that countertop garden thing with the lights?!

Then I notice that he is on some person’s blog page, scrolling through the articles. Odd, I said to myself. My mind began to click through possibilities of what Bitter could have gotten me…

“AH! Here it is, go ahead, read up. This is Butters’ blog. I hope you enjoy…” then he breaks out in uncontrollable cackling.

There, in that blog, I found that not only had Butters written about what he wished to do to me at night, in the cubicle, but also love poems, prose, short stories…all professing his love for me. I WAS MORTIFIED. Imagine, if you will, a 70’s porn star dressed in flannel shirts, wranglers, tool belt, and beer gut (a big one). Who likes Nascar and has a lisp. Oh, and HUGE thick glasses. That is Butters. He is also married, however as I found out likes to swing.

“Holy *%&$^ mother of god in heaven %&$#*and %*$#@( earth *#@$%…” I muttered under my breath along with assorted curse words. I cuss like a sailor, get over it.

“You like it? Wait, this gets better…” he then opens my outlook inbox to find the source of this mission against my life…my arch enemy TALKS ALOTTA CRAP AND HAS MIDDLE AGE SPREAD had sent an e-mail to many employees with this link on it. I.Was.Mortified.

Me being the vindictive bitch that I am, I immediately sent the e-mail to HR, copied the arch enemy, and told HR that she had sent a bulk non-work related e-mail, AND that it contained a personal attack (she had called me a name that I shall not repeat).

Now, as I sit here month later writing this, my arch enemy gone, Bitter is still bitter, and me building up to have another enemy, I laugh when I think about that blog. Butters’ took it down not long after. He has since moved on to “love” another girl in the office…hopefully she will not find out about his love the way I did.

This office is crazy and if I was a better writer I would be able to write a soap opera.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Free chocolate regardless of Sex!!

Just checking to see if you are paying attention...