Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 year tour in hell

I have not seen Satan yet, but I am sure he is in the stair case taking a nap with his adult magazines and will be out anytime. Oh, wait, thats the guy two cubicles over...sorry!

This June marks my three year anniversary here at software-r-us, and I decided that it was time for you all to share in the daily hell that is a software call center. Nice of me, I know, but this stuff gets rauncy and juicy. You will not be disappointed.

In my department, we have the Southern Belle. SB likes her hairspray, her jewlery, and loves her some Southern living. Oh, she also has a hick accent and likes to talk. All day. I know we are a call center, however...talking to clients about the weather and their babies for three hours straight is not something I would like to listen to. Well...SB has a work husband/nemesis/bitch buddy named Nicotine. I call him that b/c if he is not laughing/chatting/yelling with SB, then he is smoking. I am not sure what he has been doing for the 14 years he has been at software-r-us other than staining his hands yellow.

More on that to come, I have to get back to looking busy. There have not been any calls into our pay-by-the-hour support center for four days on my line. Shocking, at the prices we charge.

Side note: We write software for the Convenience store industry, so when I mention C-Store, Manager, IT...keep in mind the last time you went into a C-Store to buy a diet coke, and what the cashier was like. I deal with that
